Frank T Hogg

Buy An Amazon Kindle Fire for $150!

I did this by accident. You may have heard that Amazon came out with three new Kindles. The first is only $79 and has ads. I felt it would be helpful for me to use the Kindle for proofreading because sitting at the computer screen for hours is bad for my back and a strain on my eyes.

I thought the Kindle Touch would be a better deal at $99 but 6 weeks ago the only one you could buy was the $79 Kindle. I ordered it and used it for a few weeks. I didn't like the fact that it was not a touch screen and I was planning to send it back to get the Kindle Touch. Then one of the ads that appears on the Kindle  had an offer to Kindle owners for a $50 credit for a Amazon credit card. I decided to get it.

That left me with a dilemma.

I had planned to buy the $99 Touch but now for only $50 more I could get the Fire. Never mind that I could also use that credit to get the Touch. It only took me a few hours to talk myself into getting the Fire for $150.

I've had it a few days now and for what it costs it is a good value. It's no iPad but it is good enough for what I wanted to do, actually better because of the larger screen. There is one other benefit for me. I loaded an ePub reader on the Fire and that means I can proofread in both Kindle format and ePub format. ePub is used by every other ebook seller including Apple and Barnes and Noble. That makes the Fire a better deal than the Touch.

However the Fire is a backlit LCD which is not as easy on the eyes as the eInk display of the other Kindles. But none of them could run the ePub reader. I've found that if I change the screen to white on black it is much easier on my eyes.

It's a lot of trouble to get the Fire for $150 but it would give you a chance to try the eInk reader first. You may like it better anyway. I can't say that that $50 credit will be there for you. You'll just have to take your chances.

Here's the details from the email from Amazon: (I actually got it for $149, but who's counting.)

Your Shipment Details items (Sold by Amazon Digital Services, Inc.):

  Kindle Fire, Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi 

  Item Subtotal: $199.00
  Shipping and Handling: $0.00

  Shipment Total: $199.00 
  Paid by Visa: $149.00 
  Paid by Gift Certificate: $50.00


  1. If you just use Calibre, you can convert your epubs to mobi format which Kindle reads great.

  2. You are 100% correct. But I want to see what the book looks like in ePub format. Previously I would load it into iTunes and look at it on an iPhone or iPad. I also want to see what it looks like in the 6-7 ePub screen format. Thanks for the reply.
